Opening Hours
Öppet tisdag till fredag kl 10-17 (lunchstängt 13-14)
Lördag 11-16
Stängt röda dagar
telefontid 11-13.
Address Ulvas Tidlösa Ur AB, Ulva Kvarn, 755 93 Uppsala
Tidlösa Ur is a watchmaker’s workshop that performs repairs of all types of watches, wall clocks, floor clocks, pocket watches and wristwatches. As a visitor, you have the unique opportunity to see the various work moments and get a glimpse of the artisans workflow.
We also offer courses for clock- and watchmaking where you get to explore the inner-workings of clockwork: how to understand, repair and construct them. It’s perfect for you who’s a beginner, hobbyist or simply an enthusiast wanting to learn more. In other words it ranges from beginner to intermediate level with plenty more to learn.
It is run by me, master craftsman Robert Harlin. I have previously worked at Sjöö Sandström with their service and new production wing where I learned a lot about quality. I have also worked with service and renovation at Rob Engström wherefrom I furthered my education at Rolex in Geneva. In recent years leading to my own workshop, I have worked as a teacher at IHU Urmakarskolan, which has been very rewarding in developing my skills.
The workshop is certified for Omega, Sjöö Sandström, Longines, Certina, Tissot and other manufacturers.
The store has also a small assortment of refurbished vintage watches for sale.
Warm welcome!
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